sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2016

Libro: "Perspectives on the Inca" open-access book online

Monica Barnes, Ines de Castro, Javier Flores Espinoza, Doris Kurella, and Karoline Nowack announce the on-line, open-access publication of their 2015 book, *Perspectives on the Inca*, a special edition of *Tribus*, the annual publication of the Linden-Museum, Stuttgart, Germany. The book may be downloaded from the Linden-Museum website: http://www.lindenmuseum.de/ueber-uns/forschung-und-netzwerk/ or from Monica Academia.edu page: https://amnh.academia.edu/MonicaBarnes

Perspectives on the Inca contains the following articles:

  • Buscando un Inca de aqui y de alla. Los incas de nuestro tiempo, Alemania y Lima, Peru by Karoline Noack
  • Collecting Inca Antiquities. Antiquarianism and the Inca Past in 19th Century Cusco by Stefanie Ginger
  • The Inca Collection at the Ethnologisches Museum Berlin. Genesis and Contexts by Manuela Fischer
  • Visions of the Inca Dynasty. Narrative Styles, Emblematic Dress and the Power of Ancestors by Ann H. Peters
  • How Did Huanuco Pampa become a Ruin? From Thriving Settlement to Disappearing Walls by Monica Barnes
  • The Material Remains of Inca Power among Imperial Heartland Communities by Kylie E. Quave and R. Alan Covey
  • The Inca Takeover of the Ancient Centers in the Highlands of Piura by Cesar W. Astuhuaman Gonzalez
  • Las motivaciones economicas y religiosas de la expansion incaica hacia la cuenca del lago Titicaca by David Oshige Adams
  • Inca Offerings Associated with the Frozen Mummies from Mount Llullaillaco by Constanza Ceruti
  • Tracing the Inca Past. Ritual Movement and Social Memory in the Inca Imperial Capital by Steve Kosiba
  • The Situa Ritual of the Inca. Metaphor and Performance of the State by Brian S. Bauer and David A. Reid
  • Building Tension. Dilemmas of the Built Environment through Inca and Spanish Rule by Steven A. Wernke
  • Sistema de tenencia de tierras de ayllus y *panacas* incas en el valle del Cusco, siglos XVI-XVII by Donato Amado Gonz=C3=A1lez
  • What Would Have Happened after the Inca Civil War? by Kerstin Nowack

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